Why it can be Tricky to Analyse Behaviour -Even a Genius Gets it Wrong!

Last updated on May 9th, 2017 at 12:16 pm

Today I watched a youtube clip of a genius scientist who still failed to define a basic concept in behavioural science.    

He solves complex problems about theoretical physics in his day job. Yet he misapplied the term reinforcement when talking about tweaking Penny’s behaviour, his best friend’s girlfriend.

I am of course talking about the lovable Dr Sheldon Cooper from the TV show The Big Bang Theory (if you didn’t catch that reference, then we might have to re-evaluate our friendship!!).

Even though his genius is only fictional, the clip still brings up an interesting point.  The writers behind the series have accurately explained many concepts within the science of physics, but they were unable to do so for a fundamental principle from the science of behaviour.


Should we blame the genius for being inaccurate or behavioural science for being confusing?

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