Why should I be an amazing ABA tutor?

Last updated on August 13th, 2020 at 12:04 pm

Over the past few months, I have had a lot of time to reflect upon my life choices. Questionable past hairstyles aside (2000’s ‘Rihanna’ red fading to brassy copper, in case you were interested!), I began to wonder what led me to choose my most preferred career path. Gaining some distance has allowed me to think back over my career in education to date and reaffirmed why I enjoy being an ABA tutor so much.

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How To Be a Great ABA Tutor – My Thoughts

Last updated on April 16th, 2020 at 11:35 am

Are you interested in working with kiddies with autism, wondering what an ABA tutor is and what it takes to become one? Or maybe you are a parent who’s looking for the right tutor for their child? Whatever the reason your here, I’m going to talk you through what an ABA tutor is and what I think are the top 10 qualities that a good ABA tutor should have and work towards. They are all based upon what I have learned and observed throughout my own personal experience as a ABA tutor. I am still learning and striving towards them everyday. I hope you find this list useful and that it gives you more insight into this interesting, challenging and rewarding career path.

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How to teach your child with autism using child-led play

Last updated on April 16th, 2020 at 11:35 am

Because nobody likes to learn everything at a desk! And nobody should have to, especially when learning skills in a variety of contexts can be very beneficial for learning.

According to a classic psychology experiment, you are more likely to remember new information if you are tested in the place where you learned the material. So scuba divers who were taught information on land recalled the info better when they were tested again on dry land and the divers who were taught under water recalled the info more accurately when tested under the deep blue sea.

Now if you relate this back to teaching your child, if you only teach them things at the table, then the chances are that they will be less likely to perform this skill in other contexts.

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