How to stop scrolling your life away using one easy trick

Last updated on April 16th, 2020 at 11:36 am

We spend a lot of time on the internet. Fact. And as I mentioned in this post, social media sites such as Facebook have some pretty addictive qualities.

There was a time back at university when I was incredibly frustrated with the amount of time that I was wasting. I could have been productive but instead I was watching music videos and reading whimsical fashion blogs.

But what can you do when the internet changes from a harmless way to pass the time into a serious habit that is inhibiting your life?

Continue reading How to stop scrolling your life away using one easy trick

What is Reinforcement? Your ultimate guide!

Last updated on April 16th, 2020 at 11:37 am

You’ll hear the term “reinforcement” used a lot in this blog and with good reason too. It’s one of the most interesting and important concepts to come out of behaviour analysis (the science of understanding behaviour). And its something that’s shaping how you behave on a daily basis! But myths and common misconceptions have lead to a lot of confusion as to what reinforcement actually is. So this is going to be my guide to explaining what reinforcement means, what the two types of reinforcement are and what the differences between them is. Happy reading!

Continue reading What is Reinforcement? Your ultimate guide!

Self-monitoring: a simple and powerful way to break bad habits

Last updated on April 16th, 2020 at 11:33 am

Hopefully you have read part 1 in this series and you have managed to pin down what is maintaining your bad habit. Now that you know your enemy a little more, I can share a strategy with you to help kick that habit!

Self-monitoring is the act of keeping a daily record of a specific behavour that you want to change about yourself.  It’s a easy three step process that has a good success rate of breaking stubborn bad habits.

Let’s get started!

Continue reading Self-monitoring: a simple and powerful way to break bad habits